Song Thrush Saga.

This year another has been singing in the tree-tops for the last twelve days. It sounds desperate to find a mate, but a female Song Thrush has yet to be seen.
All that singing must be hard work. It is vital that it succeeds. With hardly a break to feed, it pours out loud liquid music and searches the sky in vain.
That is pretty sad. We have had these birds in our garden for more years than I can remember until one Christmas when I had my little nephews over and they destroyed the nest of our Song Thrushes. It took a while for them to come back again but they are here and haven't sung as long or as well since the first lot we actually noticed, that were destroyed. They were very few at the beginning of Spring but now we have at least five poking around the garden and trying to stay out of our cats mouth, poor things. They are beautiful to watch and listen too.
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