Thursday, 30 March 2006

Save The Tick-Tock

At the age of five and on a visit to my Grandmother's neighbour in Shepshed, I discovered an old clock in a cupboard under the stairs. It was broken and nobody wanted it, so it was just stored. I wanted to save it, but I was not allowed to have it.

These things sometimes stick in your mind. Years later I rescued some old nondescript clocks and had them repaired. Obviously trying to make up for some earlier sense of loss! I don't know how to repair clocks myself; and these days the costs of repair are often greater than the value of a clock. More clocks are destined to end their days broken in some dark and dusty cupboard.

Monday, 6 March 2006


We were on the bikes in the gym, when a diaper advertisement came on the TV screen.

The well retired lady to my left, remarked that at our age, we should not have to watch such stuff so early in the morning. In fact, we should not have to watch it at all.

I replied, that as we marched towards the twilight, incontinence and diapers would become our new frontiers.

She laughed until she wet herself.

Sunday, 5 March 2006

Clear And Understood.

Certain words go out of fashion but are revived when news events make them appropriate to the hour.
This week, the word "obfuscate" has had much prominence in news articles about political matters. Politicians often assume that we remain unaware of the true meaning behind some of their less than frank admissions. We need to remind them that they are all too wrong.